What to expect at an in home newborn session?

Dec 19, 2022 | Newborns

Newborn sessions are one of my favourite things to photograph. I get to come in to your home and soak up all of the oxytocin that everyone is feeling when there is a newborn baby around. There is quite literally love in the air and I finish every session feeling all of that love and happiness. 

So what can you expect from a newborn session with me? The sessions I offer are very relaxed, there is no rushing, no pressure, no stress. We go at your families pace and get the images we can while having a long chat and laughs about life.

I never ‘pose’ a baby with props, or studio lights. Everything I do is natural positioning in natural light. I will have a quick look around your home when I arrive to pick 2-3 amazing spaces with good light and we will work in those. I have been in homes before where there might only be 1 spot which is where we have stayed and got a good variety of shots. So please never worry that you’re home is not ‘photographable’ or there is a mess here and there. All we really need is a couple of clear areas near a good light source, so a window or door and we will be set. 

Quite often there are siblings at newborn shoots which make some people feel worried about whether they will comply with having their photos taken. Again, that is my job to work our shooting schedule to get the siblings photographed as soon as we can so then they can relax and not worry about having to be in hours of photos. Its quite a good idea to have some yummy bribes available too!

All of my sessions last between 1-2 hours, depending on whether baby needs feeding, changing, winding. I will alway try and get some photos at our session of your baby features like hands and feet, hair etc. sometimes though you’re doing such an amazing job with your new addition, they may not want to be put down. This is absolutely fine, I will get photos while they are in your arms. The other thing to know, is I love when babies are awake and you can see their eyes and their expressions, there will be no hours of shushing to try and get them back to sleep. 

SO main things to remember about my style of newborn sessions: 
  1. I will NOT be in your home for hours on end. 
  2. I will NOT only taken photos of your baby asleep. 
  3. I will NOT pose your baby in unnatural positions. 
  4. I will NOT make you put baby down if you don’t want to. 
  5. I WILL provide you with some real images of a moment in time that passes far too quickly. 

I have included below a few more of my favourite images from a typical newborn session with me. 

If this is something you would love, send me an email with your due date so we can provisionally book your session in. 


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